Confidential Client
Supporting human endeavours through technology.
- Year
- 2021
- Location
- Silicon Valley, USA
- Client
- Confidential
With a new campus in Silicon Valley on the verge of opening, this tech company commissioned us to create a grand expression of their core values and ability.
The interactive placemaking installation highlights how humanity and technology, the two sides of our client’s business, come together to define all our futures. Constructed using hundreds of digital screens, the piece showcases stories of how our client empowers people and businesses to achieve more and realize their full potential.
The piece doesn’t just celebrate the result of our client’s endeavors. It celebrates the entire process of creation; the people, the technology, the journey. Reminiscent of a comet hurtling through space, each part comes together to create something bigger than itself and evoke a feeling of momentum. Captured at a single moment in time, it’s a snapshot of where we have come from, where we are now, and where we will go in the future.
initial sketches
concept development
Innovation is the combination of different ideas and the contribution of different minds.
To complement the future-facing installation, we also worked with archivists to create a mixed-media mural for the space. The mural is a celebration of Silicon Valley, one of the most vibrant and forward-thinking communities in the world; a community that put humans on the moon, shaped the Information Age, and continues to connect people and businesses through the power of technology and imagination.